Ruff Male Enhancement Pill - Global 4x4

Buy my Fine Art Prints at The photo gallery of Ruff you can find at: In the May-to-June breeding season, the typical male's legs, bill and warty bare facial skin are orange, and he has distinctive head tufts and a neck ruff. These ornaments vary on individual birds, being black, chestnut or white, with the colouring solid, barred or irregular. The grey-brown back has a scale-like pattern, often with black or chestnut feathers, and the underparts are white with extensive black on the breast. The extreme variability of the main breeding plumage is thought to have developed to aid individual recognition in a species that has communal breeding displays, but is usually mute. Copyright © Marek Jackowski, 2019 All Rights Reserved.


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  • ruff
  • norway
  • lek
  • male
  • female
  • wildlife_photography
  • marek_jackowski
  • widlife
  • nature
  • varanger

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